Ideas » A Simple solution
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gothkid: Is axe of mana ll an ingred?-rofl-
13-06-24 15:23
disaster_lil_bro: lol dont start that cy iv seen how other forum posts end up in chaos Haha
13-06-24 15:31
-krixus-: Why doesn't someone just make a new topic in the faq forum? Just copy all the ingredients and post them all in one long post then all a player would have to do is simply use the search function on that post to see if the item they have is used or not? It would take someone less than half an hour to do it. I'd so it myself but I don't have the need for it as I rareleven play here since my kal-el + kal_el accounts got suspended haha
13-06-25 03:17
disaster_lil_bro: but with the item marked it advertises it in Mp for what it is i hate going though forums ;(
13-06-25 05:48
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