Off-topic » Fav song list
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rundas: put your favirote songs here
13-06-26 11:55
skatergirl14: Beautiful Feet by Lecrae! -dance-
13-06-30 06:35
blackdragon98: Back To December By Taylor Swift
13-06-30 07:16
sub: troublemaker by akon
13-07-03 08:56
diamond-angel: Burn_it_Down by Linkin Park , Just_a_Kiss by Lady Antubellum (lol i dont know how to spell her last name) Love_Story by Talor Swift , Firework by Katy/Katie Perry and Revenge by captiansparklez
13-07-04 00:19
diamond-angel: and mostly love songs
13-07-04 00:22
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