Ideas » New Map
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wiro_sableng: In the cave, there is a
monster as a giant worm
and insect types. At sea,
there is a giant fish, giant
crabs, giant prawns, and
13-06-27 14:38
wiro_sableng: And before entering into a new map, the member will buy tickets in advance. There is a 2
ticket to get there, 1:
250000 price of gold for
free in and out for one
day. 2: 1 credit for the
price of free and out for 3 days.
13-06-27 14:57
wiro_sableng: Sea monster have : Prot.from Fire 50%, Prot.from Watter 40%,Prot.from Earth 10%,
Prot.from Lighting -30%.

Cave monster have :
Prot.from Lighting 50%,
Prot.from Earth 40%,
Prot.from Watter 10%,
Prot.from Fire -30%.
13-06-27 16:01
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