Off-topic » Pie
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ink: Ok. .0.
13-07-10 10:42
ink: Do the smart guy. Do the smart guy.

13-07-10 10:47
kaos: no smart guy not good at danceing...
13-07-10 10:48
ink: You better stahp hatin, Pie is SUPERIOR.
It has all the girls because of it's crusty exterior.

I can rap and I can't rhyme but pie is da best. You judge pie and put yhu to le test.

._. What just happened.
13-07-10 10:50
kaos: -rofl- LAME
13-07-10 10:52
ink: You can't do better. c:
You can beat my virtual butt at pvp.
But you cant beat me at that.
13-07-10 10:53
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