Off-topic » Pie
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jry16: Its pieholes were magnificent, and its tanned crust was beautiful
13-07-10 12:14
jry16: Then during the expedition, i saw it, grazing on a mans arm. It was a beauty
13-07-10 12:12
jry16: But the Pie got loose, destroying anything in its delicious path
13-07-10 12:12
jry16: a scientist known as Dr. Idioticphycopath created it
13-07-10 12:10
jry16: always hungry. It was created in a Realm known as Walmart
13-07-10 12:09
jry16: :l hes on a hunting expedition for the great Pie. It lives in the wilderness, searching for food..
13-07-10 12:07
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