Ideas » Special quest
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unlock: Every 1day 24 hour befor u do the special quest agn... U need to complite the special quest to get the reaward.. Example.. U nid to kill 50time goblin in just 1hour if u do not finish the special quest in the time the special quest will be automatic random in just 1hour task. Special quest reward.. The reward is random and exp.. Examplem reward got rune dol and exp. 1500 u will do quest agn affer 24:59 hour.
13-07-12 06:08
daneszz: Good Idean -good2-
13-07-12 09:36
-p4nzer-: Agreee
13-07-16 08:13
agape: do you mean Daily Quest?

Yeah that sounds cool, and will make a little change here in s1, server 1 is very boring now.. Dreamer must think of something that'll make his game alive without s2.
13-07-16 08:17
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