Ideas » Wings/Scarf/Cape/Flag
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oloredthegreat: extra appendages like a 3rd arm coming from your head -red-
13-08-13 08:10
nicenicholas123: Different types of gloves and gauntlets.
13-08-08 04:56
-admiral-: -good2-
13-08-08 02:31
stop_complaining: how about bracelets gloves, glasses etc 8)
13-07-23 14:13
warmonger: @agape that's a good idea too, but changing it might reduce alot from our armor especially for druids.
13-07-17 00:35
warmonger: @darkOfflare: maybe some armor, hp, attack..but depends on what dreamer want if he will going to implement this
13-07-17 00:32
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