maybe lordaijiee can answer your questions .hes a friend of robber lol.
13-07-17 19:28
illusionz: I have also lost items from my keeper before. There have been threats that houses were not safe, but until this is proven, nothing can be done. This thread should be about items missing from HOUSES only, because keeper is a separate issue.
13-07-17 19:39
trollface123: No way ppl make this game stupid can u never have a cheater free game
13-07-17 19:49
dark0flare: Thing is,im paranoid to put my good stuff ANYWHERE Because of this glitch.not alot of mining space.....
13-07-17 20:06
joelius: Greeting sir admin ther is a problem to my keeper i put my vampire lords victor silk has 2 rune and its gone
13-07-26 14:08
joelius: I hope u can fix it
13-08-24 00:06