General » SMS payment services
oppo: Can't purchase credit via paymentwall(mobiamo)..i hope dreamer add xsolla,so we can purchase credit via mobile like centilli..ty
15-03-24 19:25
jabrik: Please fix paymenwal mobiamo for buy credit, please get easy for buy credit
15-03-25 07:48
plat: Am player from indonesian, cant buy credit at one month via paymentwall mobiamo, please pix it fast, like buy clas death angel, like go to s2, like buy best gear, make that easy please please please
15-03-26 07:25
the-dragon-king-: price for credits in payment wall is very expensive
16-12-16 13:30
anggiat766hi: I ever lost sms code from 99787 'cause accidentaly i deleted the code i ever ask dreamer and send email to payment wall to send back the code and i got no respon so becareful with the code
17-06-23 18:12
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