Off-topic » NEW! UPDATED! -Lost memories- Chapter one ~What lies beyond the skys~ (Story)
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lance_cocuski: Chapter 1~ End......... What happened? Did lance get his revenge? Is the village ok? Is EMMA Ok?! We do not know...
13-09-01 09:47
lance_cocuski: Lance Charged with rage, Using all his force he attacked Cronight. Cronight Glared, and noticed Lance, He attempted to Parry the attack, But his guard was shattered by Lance's impact. 'Cronight....This Game of yours....I have a new one....Lets call it 'Slaughter surival'....And guess what? Its your turn.....' Lance said. 'I....-argh- Dont have time for your games you fool....Now im simply tired of your resistance, You refuse to accept your fate.' Cronight said. Static Fizzed all around, The Ground broke up.... The People Dissapeared, It was all dark. There was one voice that echoed. 'Find your memories, Find the Lost Memories.... Redeem for fate..... Reraval the past.....' Another Voice Echoed. 'Lance! Wake up! You arnt dead yet! LANCE!'
13-09-01 09:43
lance_cocuski: 'I understand your desires......Im going to help giving you my life.' Said the voice. Lance paused again.... 'Who are you...?' Lance said. '.......Im the spirit....of rage!' Said the voice. Lance began feeling intense pain as if he was on fire, He felt himself breathing, he felt himself bleeding, His eyes opened, he saw his sword through his chest, his eye was not bleeding, but the scar was still there, he could not see through his eye. Lance pulled the sword out from his chest yelling in pain, she soon realised he was on fire. 'W-whats happening too me, How am i alife?!' Lance yelled. 'Your love for this girl is your life now....Your anger is your power, your fear is your defense....Ive given you the ability to avenge yourself.' laughed the voice. '...............Good...' Lance said.' Lance slowly floated from the ground, as if he was flying and charged tword cronight who was unaware of his presence.
13-08-23 21:04
lance_cocuski: 'Hmph.....It would be a shame if Emma had to live without you...I think i'll kill her too.' Cronight smiled. Cronight walked away. Lance....dead, stood still, lieing over a pool of his blood, not breathing.....not blinking.....Not even a twich in his arm. As he seemed he was dead, there was no hope, But cronights voice echod, what cronight said started somthing, his soul....refused to leave. Lance was no longer alive, but his mind still worked, his mind was his land. He was caged in tge death around him, he felt the pain the sorrow...the anger. He could not brake free from the death that had came.......... He heard a scream.....Emma's scream. 'EMMA!' Lance yelled. He tried to move but he couldnt life his limbs. Lance slammed around in his mind, as if he was throwing a tantrum, he tried to force himself to move. 'Lance....Calm yourself' Said a voice. Lance paused...
13-08-23 20:46
lance_cocuski: Blood flooding from lance's eye, keeping his guard, now realiseing the intense pain, contines to fight, A memorie flashes in his mind.....His spar with Emma when he was young, how his nose got broken.... 'He smiled. 'heh......Ahehehehe, Ahahahah, This is fun now.....Things are getting dangerous!' Lance laughed. 'Why would you laugh after i took your eye?!' Cronight frowned. '...........Because, The pain.....It brings back memories! Such happy memories' Lance said, From lack of blood he feel to the ground, dieing....... '......Such a fool, you think you could kill me when your death was true to come... Cronight grabbed lance's sword. 'Im going to make sure you die this time...' Cronight said. Cronight then forced Lance's sword through his chest, punchering his heart. 'Goodbye you fool.....' Cronight laughed.
13-08-23 08:40
lance_cocuski: 'I wont die from your pathetic corage, i CANT die.' Cronight laughed. Lance swung his sword again, Cronight parryed. 'Why deny it then? How do you know if you'll die or not? Your afraid....But im not! Im willing to die!' Lance yelled. 'Me? Afraid? Your more blind than your father...' Cronight said as a he swung his claymore, Lance parryed, then countered, Leaving a cut on Cronights arm. 'No....Im not blind, im stronger...' Lance yelled. As the two brawled and battled they seemed evenly matched, Lance was focusing to the point he couldnt feel pain. But Lance failed to parry a attack....And He lost his eye because of it. 'Hmph, Now you are blind you weak fool' Cronight laughed.
13-08-23 01:56
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