Off-topic » NEW! UPDATED! -Lost memories- Chapter one ~What lies beyond the skys~ (Story)
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lance_cocuski: As Lance walked twords cronight, Cronight saw him, and grinned. 'Ah! Lance, I see you have decided to join the game today!' Cronight smiled. Lance's eyes narrowed. '.....A game? You think this is a game?! No! This is chance, this is going to determine wiether you die or not!' Lance yelled. 'Oh Lance...You think you have a chance? You'll die just like your father, You'll die with fear...with rage.' Cronight Laughed. 'Fear....? Im afaraid of you....But thats why im going to kill you. My father isnt so skilled with the blade....he gave his gift to me. You wont survive me, you wont survive the rage at hand.' Lance spoke. 'hmph....prove it then, see if you can survive my-' Cronight was cut of. 'I dont need to prove anything, i know your going to die!' Lance said as he swung his sword, Cronight parryed the attack almost loosing his grip.
13-08-22 21:20
lance_cocuski: Lance attacked without warning, killing fiend after fiend, before they even realise there being attacked. As the fight went on, Lance tried to save as many people as he could, be each time he made it to a home...he found the people dead. This made him grow more with rage, Fighting his way through the battle, he saw it wasnt a attack but somthing else...somthing he never reconised. This was infact a war. As lance battle, itnseemed like days had passed, but that was not the case, it has only lasted so many hours. Lance saw cronight, he slowly walk twords him.
13-08-22 02:30
lance_cocuski: As lance walked tword tne chaos he felt the most undieing pain ever imagined, as if he was crushed my 10000 metric tons. But it didnt effect him...he kept walking, he soon realised he was bleeding, but he didnt care, he knew he was losing blood, he knew death would come if it wasnt stopped, But he didnt care, all he wanted... was for his home to be safe. If he stopped now, there would be no going back. Zarc needid him, EMMA needid him. 'Emma....our promise....I wont forget.' He thought. He held his sword up, with strenth and will. 'If i die today...i die for my father!' Lance yelled. Lance charged at the chaos.
13-08-21 07:50
lance_cocuski: Cronight laughed. ';Protect your home? I envy you, you think you have a chance of survival...You act just like your wife...Rash and blind...' Cronight said. Jerokee grew angry. 'you dont know her...How dare you say that, HOW DARE You attack our village!' Jerokee yelled. 'Hmph...Perhaps its good i tell you, that she died at my hand, she was a strong fighter...but she new too much.' Cronight grinned. As jerokee heard this, He grew angry, and sad...He gad rage in his eyes, and tears began to leak. Jerokee swung his sword with rage, Cronight parrying each attack showing no recoil. 'I seem to hit a nerve, This starting to become fun, your accually show offense, its too bad i must end it here' Cronight laughed. Cronight swung the claymore, breaking jerokee's defense, injuring his torso brutally(Way no grahpic to describe XD). Jerokee bleeding to death, fell to the ground, unable to speak. Cronight with drew his sword. 'hmph....That was boring...I need some entertainment.' Cronight said, then he started attacking the village. As cronight left, Lance began to wake up, He saw......His father, in a pool of blood. He ran to his father, saw and saw how he was bleeding, he knew he was dead. He picked up His fathers sword...And began walking tword the chaos. '.....No more of more more bloodshed....He is attacking my home, and im going to kill him as i forwarned....NO MURSY!' He said no himself.
13-08-20 08:38
lance_cocuski: 'Lance! Whats going on?!' Jerokee said running from a distance. 'Father! These men are threatening to attack our village!' Lance yelled. Jerokee paused. 'Ah Jerokee....Your here, finnally. Why dont you come and say hello?' Cronight snickered. Imediately, Cronight grabbed Lance by the throat catching his off guard. 'Gaaa, Mrrrff' Lance choked' Cronight threw lance to the ground, making him faint. ''ATTTAAAACK! Burn the homes to the ground! Kill everyone! leave nothing behind!' Cronight yelled. Each fiend following cronights command began ravaging destruction, setting fire ablaze, and attacking the villagers. 'Emma and Zarc Began attacking the fiends, holding as many back as possible. Jerokee drew a sword. 'What ever you are....You hurt my son, and attack my village, your dead!' jerokee said. Cronight drew his claymore. 'hmph, have at it then, use what life you have left.' Cronight shrugged. Cronight then swung his sword at jerokee. Jerokee blocked the swing with his sword, barely enduring the impact of the heavy blade. 'F-For Shara... my love...I will portect the home we bloomed in!' Jerokee yelled.
13-08-19 09:10
lance_cocuski: 'Who exactly ARE you?' Lance asked. The man paused, then spoke. You may Call me Cronight' he said. '....Cronight, How do you know my name? Why come threaten our village?' Lance asked. 'Ah...Lance you see, i have met your mother before....She said you would be my end, ive come to prove her wrong...And if i suceed, i wish to destroy the place were such stupidity is born...' Cronight said. Lance's eyes grew narrow, his teeth gritted, and is fists clenched. '...You made quite the mistake coming here, than calling my mother stupid....I advise you leave before i kill you myself.' Lance said. 'How do you know if your mother was stupid or not? Maybe she hated you and your father, and she abandoned you.' Cronight said. Lance's eyes seemed to fill with rage, he drew his sword. 'Cronight....You never knew my mom' Lance yelled.
13-08-19 05:17
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