Off-topic » NEW! UPDATED! -Lost memories- Chapter one ~What lies beyond the skys~ (Story)
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lance_cocuski: The Man drew his sword. 'This village is too peaceful for my kingdom, It must be taken down...' The man said. 'You dont know who your messing with... I recommend you leave our village.' Lance said 'Hmph... Lance why must you be so rash, you know you are going to die...' The man said. Lance's eyes widened, he couldnt speak. He thought in his head. 'Who is this guy?! He knows my name, i dont even know him...'
13-08-18 22:02
lance_cocuski: 'Lance? Hey where are you?' Emma said staring up at the trees. 'Im up here! Look to your left! Lance yelled. 'why are you so high? Emma asked. 'Im getting a better view, theres somthing large traveling in the plains, looks like a group, a big one, maybe 400 people at the most.' Lance said. 'Huh? Why is there that many people traveling this way?' Emma asked. Lance stared at the group in the distance, his eyes widened. '....Emma! There armed! They're wearing armor, theres archers, and warriors! I think its an army!' Lance said. 'What?! We gotta go warn the village!' Emma exclaimed. Lance jumped from the tree, and landed to the ground. 'Com'on! Lets go! Times of the essence!' Lance said. Lance And Emma ran as fast as they could to there village, But it was too late, The group had entered the village. The group stared at the towns folk, there eyes where dark, there skin was dark... 'Your rain of light shall end here...we may rain death opon you.... For the better of the darkness.....' the fiend said. The fiend swung his sword at a villager. -CLASH- The blade was blocked by...Lance sword. 'How dare you threaten my home!' Lance said. Lance then cut the fiends limb off with quick agility. 'Emma! get Zarc, and the Clan ready! I stall them! Lance said. 'O-ok! Becarful!' Emma said. Being carful...When was i ever carful? Lance thought. More and more of the fiends surrounded lance, And all attacked him. Each on dieing by lance's sword. 'Halt! He is mine!' A voice said. The fiends stoped attacking, and stood back from lance. Then a man walked infront of Lance, he had not a face of a animal...but a human.... 'W-What is this thing?!' Lance thought.
13-08-18 03:27
lance_cocuski: As Time passed On Lance and Emma grew to be adults, They grew closer and closer, Secerets were never hidden between the two, and they understood eachothers actions, know when they were troubled to hurt. They never gave up on eachother through the harshest of times. Zarc Became a exellent Inventor, As he grew up, he spent days in the lab, he invented many things, and yet he still desires to invent, he loves helping the unhelpable. Lance's father jerokee, Still continues to rule the land keeping it a peace. But dangers are afoot, somthing dark is spawning... Somthing that desires death....Sorrow.
13-08-18 01:20
lance_cocuski: 'Im allright ok? I'll live.' Lance said. 'Your not ok bro, This is a pretty bad injury for you.' Zarc said. 'I know Zarc, But i dont care, I wasnt in danger, it was just a spar, relax.' Lance said. 'A spar? Your nose is broken this is more of getting your face pummeled.' Zarc said. 'Ok ok i get it, damn.' Lance said.
13-08-18 01:14
lance_cocuski: Lance Shook himself to sense. He walked back to Zarcs lab. 'Hey Zarc, Can you patch this up?' Lance said. 'Yeah sure bro do you got another brui- Holy crap bro what happened?!.' Zarc said. 'Oh nothing, me And Emma just had a spar.' Lance said. 'A spar?! Your whole Mussel Is Fractured! The only thing that aint broken is your jaw, bro you two got to rough!' Zarc exclaimed.
13-08-17 21:40
lance_cocuski: 'Ugh, whatever. Your gonna laugh to death ya know?' Lance Said. 'I know i know, but i enjoy it as i can.' Zarc said laughing. As the day passed on dawn came, the sun was setting with a beautiful red gleam, And Lance and Emma were about to meet at the beach. As Lance walked down the pathway to the shoreline, he could hear the ocean clashing the sand like a hammer to a anvil. It was soothing to his ears, he felt happy. He saw Emma waiting at the shore line. 'Hi Emma! Hows it going!' Lance said. 'Oh hey Lance, The sunset is so beautiful.' Emma said. 'Yes, its quite soothing to see such a sight. Lance agreed. Lance Took a seat next to Emma on the soft sand. 'Its nights like this i wish i was a bird flying accross the ocean...' Emma said. As the night progressed the two chatted untill the sun set, and the moon gleamed. 'Emma... I need to tell you somthing, I think its good that you know.' Lance spoke. 'Ok, You can tell me.' Emma Said. 'I....Love you, Emma I care deeply of you, i know you more than myself... i trust you the most.' Lance exclaimed. Emma paused, Her eyes widened. ' Prove it....If you love me...for once, You will defeat me in a spar, pin me to the ground before i do....' Emma said. Emmas eyes narrowed. 'Yes, I will, I wont lose this time. I promise!.' Lance said. 'No holding back! A few bruses wont hurt!.' Emma exclaimed. Lance quickly leaped on his feet. Emma following, leaping on her feet and Punching lance in succecion. Lance, ignoring the pain on his face, then leaped behind Emma, only successfully tripping her. Emma then quickly leaps uon her feet kicking lance. Breaking his nose. Lance stunned, then trips Emma again, And Hops intop of her, pinning her down... -Pant.... Emma!' Lance said. Good...pant...job, You finnally beat me, After all those spars, you finally won.' Emma said. Why did you hit my nose so hard? I think you broke it.' Lance said. 'Well good, You made me mad, You keeping that seceret from me, You deserve it.' Emma laughed. 'What seceret?!' Lance Yelled. 'You loved me this whole time and you didnt tell me.' Emma said. 'I wasnt hiding from you i just didnt relise it un-' Lance was i teruped. 'Stop complaining and be a man.' Emma said, Then she Kissed Lance And walked away. Lance Stared into the distance, feeling strong insode not caring he was bleeding like a focet.
13-08-17 10:02
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