-bigbang-: i lost my a.d flechette ward and behemoth lazure spine in mp and 2 recipe of hand of flame and assisin kiss in keeper.pls do some thing dreamer
13-09-04 14:54
garbaty-aniol: Buying your own item? Sure you, the right one? Just buying your own items in mp is just a disaster waiting to happen, if you ask me nothing can be done
13-08-16 14:31
poohmagic: hey i bought my own item to put it back to mp "Inbox You have successfully sold in the marketplace! Your Rune Tal was bought by poohmagic for 10 2013-08-16 11:13:51 Delete" but the problem is my credit didn't came back to me please help thanks
13-08-16 11:23
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