xylene: so the ancestors also had this problem xD
13-05-28 14:35
vafunculo: Stealing is part of quests, that's why there is a one minute timer and phillipenes I don't know how many times you stole quest from me until I started killing you whenever you did it. You are the last person that should be talking about respecting others
10-11-18 02:06
philippines: ...alth0ugh dreamer said its part ofthe game but its better to play this game with respect.s0me of us f0rg0t the reas0n why where here,y0u?why y0ur here?me,im here to have fun,.."Play with Respect to otherS"..
10-11-18 01:28
cassiel: i have no problem getting stolen... I end up taking them back
10-11-18 00:53
diablo14: learn to kill quests in three hits and none quest monsters in one hit so no one can take them! dreamer said many times stealing monsters is part of the game
10-11-18 00:46
tok3r: how about loading up on pots before u take on a quest.
10-11-17 21:00