FAQ & Information » All City Directions
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madsolo: I get asked this question so many times its unbearable!
Druid -
1) Druid Village
2) Enroth (Travel South From Druid Village)
Paladin -
1) Paladins City
2) Erathia City (West Of Paladin City)
Barbarian -
1) Barb Fort
2) Krewlod (South Of Barb Fort)
1) Necromancers Town
2) Deyja (North Of Necromancers Town)
*** Second towns are level 25 Req ***
3) Nighon - East From Battle Arena And North
3) Baracada - West Of Battle Arena And North
3) Tatalia - South Of Battle Arena And East
*** These are open to all types and has level 45 Req ***
4) Kreegan - North (on the right) Of Battle Arena And Follow
4) Necropolis - North (on the left) Of Battle Arena And Follow
*** These are for all types and have level 60 Req ***
5) Conflux - North (centre) of Battle Arena
*** Req level 80 ***
13-08-28 22:09
sair: city conflux requirements level 70
14-01-26 20:13
manboy257: where are amazon cities?
14-02-05 07:46
-rebel-: Amazon's 2nd city is down from B.A to Peasants's village then right, follow south until dragonfy hive, its just on the right from there.
14-02-05 22:55
-rebel-: *Lizzards jungle, not dragonfly hive
14-02-06 00:45
nadeshots2: Conflux is 60
15-03-02 23:53
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