FAQ & Information » How to stop Hacking ( Must Read )
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-zelena-: bump
17-11-04 12:44
mirror: Don’t use common passwords. This includes single words, popular phrases, and simple combinations of a particular character type (like numbers). Even passwords like “superman” and “dragon” are common enough to earn mention in some studies of commonly used passwords.

make your social network private to people who are not your friends, and the second is to make sure that you don’t use information about your personal life to form a password.

";Don’t use a single password for every website. Ideally you should use a different password for every site, but that can be difficult. A compromise you might find effective is to use the same password for low security risks, like a blog you visit and comment on, but use unique passwords to protect more important accounts, like your web mail. Yet another option is to use a password manager."
13-09-06 16:50
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