gaul: I think penance was pretty tuff to kill on final fantasy X it only appeared after youu killed all the other dark aeons and was almost impossible to kill with full sphere grids unless you summond yojimbo and just payed hime a few million and hoped for zanmato.
13-09-12 12:44
kakashidragon: Final fantasy 12 has a boss that 50 million HP! It takes 2 hours to beat him. Sadly i cant fight him yet cause i have to fight another boss first which has 8 million HP!
13-09-11 10:01
royalnight: Demons souls asylem demon first boss you fight that if you haven't played the game before you can't kill it......its so hard they expect you to die!!!
13-09-08 22:35
kaos: post any rpg bosses youve fought in this forum if you want
13-09-08 11:06