rongsen: If PVP is dissabled for s1 then why is there a tutoral quest that requires me to fight another player? Is it a bug?
13-09-09 05:19
hunter9999: no you fight in the battle arena
13-09-09 22:38
cherokee_rose: PvP is allowed at s1, but only in specific PvP areas (the battle arena, and the castles)
13-09-15 04:35
cherokee_rose: To attack a player in the battle arena, you must click on their name, then click attack if they are not hiding in a building.
13-10-10 04:40
royalnight: Or in castles but that is hardcore pvp which means basically if you lose you lose gold and an topic I like how rose says 'hiding' in building
13-11-07 17:45
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