raditz: Trust me you don't wanna play ff13 of any kind except maybe the new lightning returns because I gave up hope on them an never gave it a shot so I can't comment and ff13-2 was playable but still a huge let down but had free roam to an extent and almost made up for the appalling first 13 game but still wasn't even as good as 12 which in my opinion was the worst ff game after 2 and 3 and 1! In order I would put them 7-10-9-8-6-5-12-4-1-2-3 and 13+ doesn't get a look in. 14 online is awsome! For £7 a month its easily the best MMO ever and is updated so frequesntly its unbelievable! Also money will not buy greatness and time won't help either because there is caps on points you can earn each week and this can be maxed in 1 day no problem

on your choice of character I recomend tanks for new starters as everone has picked DPS an tanks are hard to find. I picked pugalist an turned into a monk and specialised in high crit rate + crit damage to mage my close range DPS cause outstanding damgae where a mage can keep up barely at range on. A good run they don't come close

yeah with a bad tank you take damage now and then but already players know their roll and can remove agro with easy but some bosses just go nuts an whoop anything in sight now an then

I'm loving ff 14 it is a high recomendation to anyone who can hold there own in any MMO but trust me this is a skill based game an your bank account will not help you

if bank of mum and dad is helping you here I highly revomend you attemp an s2 with no money, even follow my s2 guide in start forums an try but don't come to ffxiv and expect to level anyone first char build. My monk is 3rd attempt and is finally good at the DPS roll I chose. Mages are very fun and have range on their side so for a DPS beginer I reccomend this highly but remember white mage can deal damage too when you learn holy, summoners can become amazing and tanks are so hard to find that a great tank will have a very easy time in dungeons so start a few chars and if you can play tank I swear you won't regret it
14-05-26 03:16
travalanche: Probably Morrowind because I have put hundreds of hours into it and always go back to it.
14-06-07 14:27
sidik_uchiha: For play station i reccomended sengoku basara heroes and final fantasy,
and for java phone is Heroes Lore(1 & 3)
really fun!
14-06-26 05:31
kleenor: hey, im now currently playing morrowind.. the nerevar kleenor, hahaha!! and it's amazing!
14-07-03 16:25