me13: Note: Must have level 18 at the minimum.
This is a simple way to get money to buy better equipment! To start:
Locate the copper mine. Each (Level 1) copper nugget you find is worth about 34-36 coins, but if you take it to the blacksmith you can forge it into an ingot that is worth 67 coins! (Not credits) Level 2 Ingots are worth twice as much, and level 3 being thrice as much, and so on. Since the mine(s) and Blacksmith are really close to the starting city, you should be able to rack up money in no time!
13-09-13 00:49
louro: worst advice ever.
keep killing stuff till u get a stamina potion. sell it on the mp for 25k.
13-09-13 01:23
me13: Nobody is gonna want to buy a stamina potion for 25k. And if there is anyone stupid enough to pay such an outrageous price, than good for you. This is perfectly good advice, considering the fact that you'll always get copper ore, you rarely get stamina potions.
13-09-13 03:34
axelash: u get 50000 for a stamina pot
13-09-13 05:45
k3nr0n: just try to level up. use newbie setting to fight monster, don't kill yet, transfer to hardcore mode before dealing the last blow, kill monster, switch to newbie mode before returning to map. you get good gears to sell. fast and easy money.
13-09-13 14:48
me13: I think this has turned into a "Money making" thread. XD
13-09-13 15:10