General » complaints
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arsa: I dont understand why my other account getting banned, one of the mods did mail me said "my username is inappropriate". And when i asked which user name, he banned me even longger, i really dont get it. This user name "kief" is from arabic, it means a knife. Whats wrong? Please review.
14-02-26 19:42
-deja_vu-: and cybot btw this is lame name for a forum ;D couldn't you be more creative?
14-02-26 19:38
illusionz: I don't care who complains about me. I do care that we open 15 different forums to do so. And complaining about bans on a regular basis, even when they are valid, is along the lines of that personal vendetta theory you have.

There's a common personal vendetta that players are exhibiting and that's complaining when they've broken rules and get a ban....against ALL mods.

I'm not in any conspiracy coverup operation to save -jecht-. I do my own bans and I stand by them, or reverse them, all on my own.
14-02-26 19:36
-deja_vu-: raditz I totally agree with you. for instsnce being told where to post a serious complaints im sure either jecht or cherokee rose shut down my Mods are not Gods forum probably because it was directed at them. Most mods here are fair and logical but jecht .is banning several different ppl due to personal vendetta than not being totally truthful about resson. cherokee rose is making excuses for his misconduct and gpthkid also joins in the threats of bsnning when topic of unfair banning is brought into chat. Ironically they are all American people who were brought up with ideals of free speach yet they continue to be dictating to others what csn be discussed in chat even when no chat rules are broken. Sadly when they break chat rules they go unpunished.
14-02-26 19:24
cybot: yaaay-clap-deja finnaly got it right and postd in the right forum-clap-
14-02-26 16:44
raditz: A topic I made asking people to use this complaints thread instead of creating many seperate topics to complain about abusive, power corrupt mods has been deleted for no good reason. You see if a moderator doesn't feel something is in their favor, they will do anything they can to silence a player. I had no actual complaints with the current mods but have noticed many topics aimed at poor moderators not doing their job correctly. I simply told players its better to use this complaints forum so when it has litterally thousands of complains all aimed at how bad the moderators are at doing a good job then maybe dreamer would eventually take notice of how poor some of the current selection of mods is. I would like to know who deleted my forum post, because chances are that is one of these shoddy moderators everyone is complaining about, panicing incase people do take notice and post in a place that moderators can't just delete to suit their own needs.
14-02-26 10:57
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