Ideas » Drops idea
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senpo4: Monsters could drop items that change item title to theirs with help of MS.

Ex: You put boots slot item you need to change title, MS, and stack of 15, 45 or 100 let's say Wywern's fangs, and item with 80% chance gets Wywern's title.

I mean, every mob sometimes could drop it's part, and if player gathers enough he could get mob's title.
(Stacks %: 15 = 40%, 45 = 65%, 100 = 85%.

Just an idea, comment :)
13-10-04 19:45
tj7: Nice idea. But it ll affects the Super Magic Scroll service. May be dreamer wont like ur idea.
13-10-05 20:29
senpo4: Maybe.This idea mainly is for people who can't buy credits.Gathering enough items from monsters can take up to 5-9 days or even more depending on monster strength.
This or something like this should make Dreamer and players happy
13-10-05 21:55
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