swordman12: I don't know how to get that on my profile i need help
13-10-06 20:26
poohmagic: to be able to get won/lost battles to your profile. All you have to do is go to arena and hunt players.
13-10-07 09:32
retromarthmus: But, aperently, it only adds if you won or lost in a castle/castle arena. So if you win in th Battle arena it wont go towards your count.
13-10-07 13:25
royalnight: You have to be in castles arena
13-10-09 11:16
drogan: You can invite pvp to castle arena for get the won and lost
13-10-10 01:01
swordman12: I defeated and killed someone in the castle arena but its still 0
13-10-16 20:18