General » post here if u think losing stamina after dieing is wrong
Read from beginning
retremarthmus: I hunt my stam pots, better than wasting gold...
13-10-19 00:29
axelash: Yeah u said true gaul
13-10-18 20:01
gaul: Stam pots are so cheap now that even if you die you can refill for next to nothing. Maybe this update will give stam pots a bit of value again.
13-10-18 13:17
nuke_yourself: -rofl-
13-10-17 19:01
retromarthmus: I don't die, so i don't lose stamina. :D
13-10-16 11:26
axelash: atleast he can do that when we die we start to regenerate our health,mana and stamina how can the elders revive us if we have0 health mana
13-10-13 19:58
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