FAQ & Information » 7 Conflux Rings
Read from beginning
soul_hunter: Ring 8th : gelare's ring
14-11-11 07:41
fireboy: I didn't see the post in general, I apologize
14-02-22 18:07
-karma-: Already was a forum with this information.
14-01-28 22:47
chizca: 1.Halberdier ring.
2.Marksman ring.
3.Silver Pegasus ring.
4.Zealot ring.
5.Almighty archangel ring.
6.Rogue chief ring.
7.Sprit's ring.
8. ?
14-01-03 04:35
kilroy: You welcome :)
13-12-10 12:54
fireboy: Ty kilroy :)
13-12-10 12:44
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