raditz: I always used to be dead against the idea of exchanging gold for credits but credits are so cheap now and hold so many benefits. Yeah sure if it was 1mil per cred a few players would of earned themselves even 100 creds but soon as its spent its gone and they won't be so quick to make them again!
I really believe for the few countries that can't buy credits. And it would also very quickly demolish all the gold that people have saved making it more valuable and items worth more again. Hard to really see any bad points in it! I know I personally wouldn't save 200 million gold for 200 credits when its so easy and quick to buy 300 and isn't reletivly expensive to me compared to the time to farm those credits would be.
14-04-21 01:31
lance_cocuski: I like the idea, but 100,000 gold seems over powered, how about 1,000,000? no? too much? How about you purchase them or earn the the normal way.
14-04-19 01:09
hunter14: dear dreamer how about changing our golds to credits! for example in one day we have a limit to change our gold to credits like 5 credits in 1 day each credits will cost 100,000 gold hope it helps! this will be a good idea to develop this blackdragon game!
14-01-25 15:07
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