slippery: Nice idea..and please 2 lands added each super m0bs
undead hydr,ogre king,fire drag0n,hell ghoul lvl 1 and 2,,so that it will n0t very crowded..and that bad to the slow m0bile net like me
14-01-27 16:58
knight_ride: yes,is good ideea ,maybe when i'm echiped lvl 100 gear i can attak new units
14-01-27 16:53
t_t: I agree for that.. If dreamer update that we don't need to go anywhere or to find the new m0bs..
14-01-27 16:39
-uki-: Don't worry, The prince @conflux town will let u explore new lands. U know dreamer planned to decide the 8th ring.
14-01-27 16:38