Off-topic » 1001 annoying ways to be annoying
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-turtlenet-: When someone pm you and you cant understand their english and message -rofl- wait, what ? Lol
18-02-17 22:22
_-exago-_: Getting marketplace PMs from desperate people.... Ugh..
16-11-09 17:31
funnydog890: rolling over someone with a car is annoying.

Wait, this is ingame? Oh...
16-10-01 10:06
eni_sherry: Is very anoying is hunt neckle of ice / fire/ earth in sprite grove
15-12-26 18:52
-moonlight-: castle trolling -rofl-
15-12-04 22:42
-deja_vu-: lol xylene -rofl-
15-01-10 04:20
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