shadowkaiser: H0w ab0ut adding new gems with new attributes ex: jade with an attribute of +20% damage to m0nster like (demon, angel, human, dwarf, flying, dragons, etc...)
10-12-09 03:56
shadowkaiser: JADE(LV1) +5% damage to elementals GARNET(LV1) +5% damage to human TORQOISE(LV1) +5% damage to demon (LV1) +5%
(LV2) +8%
(LV3) +12%
(LV4) +15%
10-12-09 04:13
_zatanaz_: you got nice idea there bro but its lyk complicated if that happen bcoz u have to change weapon/gear if u want to kill any particular monster on the ground but nice brain there bro
10-12-10 07:59
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