Ideas » server 3 update
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astrazeneca: Dreamer said yesterday in chat that there will be no dragons or Diablo for s3. That it was never the intention and would not be fair.
14-07-20 16:43
astrazeneca: Dragons were intended to land after 2 months according to the 2nd server 3 update, and one a week according to this update. That is very interesting. As I said before, conflux is empty.
14-07-15 22:20
astrazeneca: I found this in the updates, I missed/forgot this one.

More about Server #3

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Rating: 4.24


The following applies for Server #3:

-> NO credits used (except Supporter & Premium services; current credits services could be potentially offered for Gold)

-> NO marketplace / trades / gear shops / PvP item drops

-> NO wipeouts ever (dragons will appear every week and only non-Diablos will challenge them!)

-> Muuuuch more stamina!

-> Muuuuuch stronger monsters!

-> Experience & gold loss if lost in PvP (only some of the experience needed for the next level)

-> If you die, you cannot move/attack for a certain time (not decided how long yet)


Expected launch date - August 1st 00:00 server time.

Stay tuned!
13-07-25 02:41:22
14-07-15 22:17
_almighty_: i want a weekly event :) like Frenzy Feast (2x exp event every sunday + no daily win count)
14-03-05 01:09
-hidan-: and add few server 3-only gears and/or class like assassin, ninja, pirate, gunner, etc.
14-03-04 15:52
-hidan-: i think dreamer should reopen the registration for at least a week and enable trade if possible.
14-03-04 15:45
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