General » Clans ideas!
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dreamer: I just have an idea :) Let's say that the clan has occupied fort, then the clan who declares war and wins, can overtake it. This seems reasonable :) And clan could be involved in just a single war at one moment. What do you think? The benefit of having a fort could be using it as a treasury/gold mine (?)/other ideas?
10-05-04 21:50
dreamer: Thanks a lot for the ideas. Some of them are conflicting with each other, some of them do not seem to be feasible, some of them could possibly ruin the game.. I'm still not sure how to make the clan vs clan fights.. Currently, the idea would be like this: 1) clan leader declares war for another clan; 2) countdown starts (supposedly, one day or similar); 3) clan members fight against each other and the victories are counted; 4) clan with more accumulated victories wins; What do you think? Please post realistic improvements on this. Also declaration of war could cost clan something (so it would make some sense and be more important thing).. Also I am not sure what the winning clan should get.
10-05-04 21:47
chops: i love clan or tribe battles. one clan man against another. we dnt nead random pking we had in shade. gang pking etc. so be a nomad . no bennys frm being a clansmen.
10-05-04 19:20
chops: this black dragon. not shade.
10-05-04 19:16
chops: have nomads. no rules type char. cant refuse a fite with em. but nomads no tribes or clans . cant have lands. or forts. cant enter a fort. if thay attk and lose. thay lose large. thay just roam around . no bank. enter shops at city hall only. a loner. so if ya wanna be a pker type do it alone. no help.
10-05-04 19:12
kestrel: The meaning of a clan is to help each other and support each other. If solo players sand up vs a clan they are bound to lose . Shade was always pvp what bought it down was a lack of unity among non player killers , and there unwillingness to stand up as a group to help one another combined with the loss of access to shade on att and verizon phones with those players not wanting to go back to slower phones think about it . . .
10-05-04 16:38
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