General » Clans ideas!
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chops: well lets say A tribe beats 3 members of B tribe. B tribes leader suffers in some way. loss of gold. a level in some sort. in this way it will make a leader think of way to work his tribe or his choice of members.
10-05-04 02:47
dreamer: I see you got many interesting ideas. However, the problem remains the same - how these battles would look like? Summing up all clan members stats & fighting against each other. Any other way? Killing only the leader (which seems kinda easy)?
10-05-04 02:30
chops: this percentage of hunts gold goes to that tribe who can use it to build or stay strong. maybe buy more stamina ?
10-05-04 02:04
chops: if a player hunts in another tribes land thay pay to hunt safe. and a percentage of the hunts gold goes to the tribe whos land thay are on. if not. again battle begins.
10-05-04 02:00
chops: also if a player nead to hunt or travel threw anothers land. thay pay a fee to travel threw . pay your safe. dnt pay there open to attk.
10-05-04 01:55
xilver: Territorial war. Before a clan can build a fort, they must first gain a territory, a ground where they can build their castle. Territory grows so as the forts that is built in it. Border battles might storm in in the lust for bigger territory, so I say there must always be a limit in everything, except for imagination.. (n_n) . Clan wars must take place on a different land, an isolated island maybe, or somewhere not connected to the hunting grounds.
10-05-04 00:40
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