General » Clans ideas!
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paul: could give flags to each tribe or clan. and show the flag of each player on the field. for a non member such as a nomad a black flag?
10-05-04 04:32
kestrel: How about this . Only clan leaders may declar war and must lead the attack . Once a war is started portal spells stop working . Fights are to the death . If you die with gold you lose all gold on you and are imprisoned for a week or are ransomed back unless your clan wins . Only the leader can call a retreat . Fighting to defend the fort is done by any one who is on the game at the time and in the fort at the time of the battle. To win you must clear the fort of all enemy forces. If you are logged out in the fort your charater is . . . On guard duty and considerd ' active ' and can be attacked and defend . Battles are one on one . No hp or mana pots allowed. To make it simple . If you run out of stamina in enemy fort you are able to be seen even if you log out . If some one catches you with out stamina you may be imprisoned for a week or ransomed back to your clan.
10-05-04 05:55
kestrel: If a fort is cleared some one must be named clan. Leader of the fort . And it must be staffed with players or looted and abandonded by the winners
10-05-04 05:59
kestrel: In forts enemy players should look like monsters do * . It would be nice to see your own clanmates as a + . So you can work as a team to hold your enemies back
10-05-04 06:04
kestrel: Forts should be seprate areas around the world . And be big . Just two to three to start . With 5 little areas each . Each one should have a special thing to it like a silver gold or gem mine that players may ' work ' in to earn the clan as a whole money . A treasure room ( that can store gold and old gear . And can be looted lol ). And a few other rooms as other people have named before
10-05-04 06:13
kestrel: In areas with forts you should not be allowed to walk through people or monsters
10-05-04 06:15
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