General » Clans ideas!
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drama: Don't know if this could be done. But, if clan ranking was the sum of each members time within clan multiplied by level. This would prevent clans from dropping and adding to gain top spot. In other words.. to make things simple.. Each player is given a number based on level and time in clan.. (ex. player A. is level 30 and in clan two weeks.. his value to clan is 60.. player B is level 20 and been in clan 4 weeks.. his value is 80.. the total of all player's values equals clan ranking... should put some value on keeping members...
10-07-06 01:08
suicide: We should have a clan draft, any1 without a clan who wants one can submit thier name and when the draft comes they can be recruited
10-07-06 00:04
dreamer: Any ideas how?
10-07-05 12:34
gohan6979: Need to restructure the clan rankings....
10-07-05 06:51
bad*toys: try 3 time to get name that wasnt used ad end up clone other clan name
10-06-08 06:33
bad*toys: clan name need fixed their 2 Pms2 clans would like to change name but might delet other clan to
10-06-08 05:43
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