General » Clans ideas!
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ezeroth: Heres another idea when one clan sieges there enemies fort have the throne room on the top of the castle and the attacking clan has to battle all the members to the throne room where the strongest player known as the king takes on all remaining opponents one at a time once one is defeated they are thrown out of the castle and have to fight thier way back up again
10-06-06 19:24
ezeroth: Heres an idea dreamer make it when one clan declares war with another an automatic dome appears when fight is accepted all involved in war move automatically to dome when battle is over where ever you were hunting at your returned there after battle. the clan that loses has to pay winning clan 10 percent of what they hunted that day just an idea
10-06-06 19:08
healer4u: player that hunt alone or clan that wish to be nutral or battle free should not have to fight and player should not be block from move ment or have server for clan that what to battle so new player wont be ran off most player quit shade becouse they where alway under attack it not right for a player to have to login when everyone off just to lvl and have fun with out battle others
10-06-04 16:30
kashmoney: yeah scratch the clans idea save space for more interesting things. however the battle things is a good idea mayb we could have this one little area thats a free for all where you can attack anyone
10-05-07 23:52
pakelika: Clans well all the best games g0t em 0f c0rse an 0nline multiplayer game ppl will make friends unless ur a wierd0 0r l0ner l0l it is essential in this day and age 0f gaming 2 implement it in 0nes game...
10-05-07 03:28
halj0rdan: I dont think a game should hinge on clans-and one should not be at a disadvantage for not being in one
10-05-06 17:58
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