FAQ & Information » Amazon Recipe & Ingred.
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_o0o_kurisu_o0o_: Recipe of Wizendraw : Jewel of Dexterity V, Gnoll's long battle bow
14-03-13 09:25
cherokee_rose: Yaay! Thanks Rogue!
14-03-09 16:29
boudica: Nice! Thanks rogue!
14-03-09 09:16
-halord-: Thank you -beer-
14-03-09 07:44
_rogue_: Raven Claw (60)
Jewel of Dex v
Gremlin's Long Bow

Witherstring (60)
Jewel of dex v
Pixie's Hunter's Bow

Ichostring (60)
Jewel of dex v
Monk's Chu Ko Nu

Gorerod (60)
Jewel of Str v
Magi's Matriacal Pike

Bloodthief (80)
Jewel of str v
Elf's Mancatcher

Doonlance (80)
Jewel of str v
Wolf's Mancatcher

Pluckeye (60)
Jewel of dex v
Ogre's Short War Bow
14-03-09 07:26
_rogue_: Here are some of the new amazon recipe i know about. Feel free to add.
14-03-09 07:16
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