kaskuser: And how about drop rate between diamond, premium and supporter?
14-03-14 13:04
ipecac: Dreamer posted in forums that "the stronger the monster - the higher chance of dropping it, Level 1 monsters have 1/250000 chance." The "it" refers to recipes. Does that mean type of monster doesn't matter, just rank? Do rank 0 hydras drop more than rank 0 pixies? Has the 1/250000 rate been updated? At what rate does a rank 10 chaos hydra on hardcore drop recipes?
14-03-12 23:13
ipecac: I noticed strong disagreements in chat about how frequently items are dropped, which mobs drop which type items, and if difficulty setting effects what drops. Post your thoughts here, I hope to all learn from each other.
14-03-12 22:55
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