Ideas » Ideas - Advancement - images - items
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lance_cocuski: Ive noticed Alot of images that are on here are from Diablo II on the PC, i feel it would be original if Dreamer made his own images for the items and potions CX
14-04-07 03:01
lance_cocuski: Since theres Status ailments, people surly dont want that do they? So they buy premium Purchase that prevents it from happening.
14-04-07 03:00
lance_cocuski: And perhaps there should be spells for wind, poison, darkness, and holy elements, mixing up the status ailments. Wind having a chance to break through defences and dealing alot of damage. Or poison that weakens the foes damage given, or darkness preventing foes from casting, or holy Draining health from foes. Not only could these ailments be dealt to foes, but players, making the game much for harder.
14-04-07 02:57
lance_cocuski: I feel there should be a advancement is spells and what you can cast, Im only using two spells, and thats Weakness and Implosion master. Dont get me wrong i like the spell, but it seems dull... i dont have that feeling there being imploded. What im going at are status effects, For example Fireball spell has a chance of setting foe on fire for extra damage, or ice spear has a chance to freeze foe so they cannot act next turn.
14-04-07 02:53
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