Ideas » Money-Item trade.
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reyz2shilx: im agree if there no way to trade gold except for selling in market place the gold is useless, you can use only golds for buying potions,
10-12-29 23:43
idiot_terror: better say golds, not money.. It's confusing LMAO

btw, maybe you were asking for a gold transfer?
I dunno if it's a good idea to transfer big amount of golds to others.. maybe you can transfer 1000golds/level..
Or add a buy now option in market place.
10-12-27 21:52
nahtanoj02: it is good idea what hanzel said.. both character can trade money to items.. by not using the marketplace..
10-12-27 09:08
deadlypranay: If you want 2 trade money or credit then post pot then 24 hour before 5 munites like 23: 55 you will able to see your pot in first page then you can.. Post money or credit.. What you wanted. Late service but ok:D
10-12-24 19:46
hanzel619: marketplace will be the place for bidding..the advantage of this money item trade is you can get the money faster..
10-12-23 13:03
tok3r: Then what would the point of the MP be?
10-12-23 03:26
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