Strategy » Write Strategy Contest for Server #2 Entrance Key!
illusionz: I usually start 24-48 hrs after everyone else to avoid the slaughter when everyone hits lvl 20 lol...

Then its a race to lvl up as quickly as possible. I don't worry about pvp'ing anyone...just leveling! It's important to get big enough to kill mobs that drop pieces for your first decent gear...then big enough to find and craft legendary.
14-05-02 18:16
ghostlykillerz: ";Druid's guide by ghostlykillerz"

I started this game as a I know better about this than other classes..druid is powerful at elemental magics and druids should focus on wisdom.....cause wisdom will raise the damage of their elemental spells as well as spell effectiveness(max. 50% )......that means if u use haste with a 50% bonus it will give your dexterity a huge boost....for example if you have 200 dexterity then you will get 100 extra dexterity,means in that battle your dexterity will be 300......and a great spell is weakness,, it will weaken your opponent physical damage can reduce the damge by a certain percentage.....example: if you cast weakness with 50% then if your opponents damage is 100-200,your opponent will do 50-100 damage....isn't it cool?? the way there is some problems also to play with druid class.....druids are only relied on elemental damage which can be protected...druid's most powerful spell is implosion(master) which is a earth elemental attack and one can defend it with earth ressistant or protect from earth my opinion with playing druid is to focus on strength as well as wisdom.....and use rune dol,sol and amn with 1:1:2 fraction............hope it helps....thanks for reading..-good-
14-05-02 18:13
-juggernaut-: Assassin class use jewels or frenzy mode then equip assassins yew wand (V) as a weapon so u dont need to refil hp
14-05-02 18:12
-illuminati-: for a necromacer i would suggest using all your skill points for dexterity >>> wisdom. dexterity up to level 40 and from then on alternate between the 2. the items you should use war bonnet graven spine/imperial sword/the jadetando/razortine for armor the centurion and for boot forest boots. at level 50 use silver boots. the best pvp spell set is bloodlust+vigor+vigor .
14-05-02 18:12
-fbs-: we do not have a strategy that we
ask how the Indonesian strategy to
obtain credit via sms, sorry if the
sentence aloud, thank you.
14-05-02 18:08
urthstripe: for a barbarian i would suggest using all your skill points for dexterity and wisdom. dexterity up to level 40 and from then on alternate between the 2. the items you should use for level 25-50 are war bonnet barbarian kings mace the centurion and forest boots. at level 50-80 use silver boots. the best pvp spell set is bloodlust until level 60 after that its frenzy. 1x of each.
14-05-02 18:02
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