Strategy » Write Strategy Contest for Server #2 Entrance Key!
t-tex: to get awards to become a diablou and kill black dargon and to to in the ranking sever s2
14-10-20 22:17
1true_love: My Paladin Strategy

First I battle on the simple units, then I move to golems at level 25-40. After that I go to vampires from levels 40-60, and levels 60-70 I go quest units. Hint: Always use weakness/slow for the first round in your spell, it helps.
14-11-17 05:58
nazen: Druid Strategy Guide by Nazen

Druids are strong in magic so you should focus your skill points on Wisdom.Also dexterity is always a good alternate.You should focus most on these 2 stats
Level 20-30 fight Golems as they give good exp especially if difficulty is set to hardcore but you should stay at newbie or Advanced until your level 40-50
Level 40-50 Vampire beware of vampires they give fairly good exp but have high dexterity
Level 60-70 I would recommend Naga queen and blue djinn if these are to easy just turn up the difficulty
Level 80+ You should take on ArchAngels and ArchDevil

Hope you enjoyed it!
15-06-22 09:59
black_lotus: all class strategy by black_lotus
1.first of all server 2 is using hardcore difficulty, so u must hunt carefully, because if you death, you will loose your equipment (its happen to me)
2. Server 2 can attack other people if you was level 20+, so we must carefully, because if u attacked, u wiil loose your inventory item, if you not luck, you can loose your equipment
P.S : save your good tem in storage/keeper
P.S.S : if your lv above 19, you can hunt in peace ;D
3. For hunting monsters, you can choice monsters with low dexterity, and give good items
Ex : imp, peasant, familiar, golem, centaur
P.S : i recommend is imp, coz they give extra experience *they have lot of hp (175)* and the best from imp is, they drop magic scroll
4. Try to learn all spell from all towns as soon as possible, because it really need for hunt and kill some player ;D

If i have more trick and tips i ll post here
15-10-14 10:58
lasser79: ";Paladin Guide By Lasser79"

=> Use All Your Skill To Dexterity And Wisdom. Learn All Spell In The Town And Combination Three Spell,
Ex: (Weakness, Slow, Haste) Or
(Weakness, Ice Arrow, Fireball).
Use Weakness In The First Spell, It's Will Help To Reduce Enemy Strenght And It's Helpfull.

=> Thanks
15-12-10 16:48
drewx7: Paladin Guide by Drew(the guy who only uses paladin class)
16-04-12 23:06
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