I started this game as a druid...so I know better about this than other classes..druid is powerful at elemental magics and druids should focus on wisdom.....cause wisdom will raise the damage of their elemental spells as well as spell effectiveness(max. 50% )......that means if u use haste with a 50% bonus it will give your dexterity a huge boost....for example if you have 200 dexterity then you will get 100 extra dexterity,means in that battle your dexterity will be 300......and a great spell is weakness,, it will weaken your opponent physical damage output....it can reduce the damge by a certain percentage.....example: if you cast weakness with 50% then if your opponents damage is 100-200,your opponent will do 50-100 damage....isn't it cool?? .....by the way there is some problems also to play with druid class.....druids are only relied on elemental damage which can be protected...druid's most powerful spell is implosion(master) which is a earth elemental attack and one can defend it with earth ressistant or protect from earth spell...........so my opinion with playing druid is to focus on strength as well as wisdom.....and use rune dol,sol and amn with 1:1:2 fraction............hope it helps....thanks for reading..

14-05-02 18:13

Then its a race to lvl up as quickly as possible. I don't worry about pvp'ing anyone...just leveling! It's important to get big enough to kill mobs that drop pieces for your first decent gear...then big enough to find and craft legendary.
14-05-02 18:16

it helps!! for necro
- leveling from level 1 to 10 only increase first you're wisdom so you can avail the spells on you're town
-level 10 and up.. you can now start balancing you're dexterity and wisdom
- strength is not highly required for necromancer strength increase damage and damage can be increase by one of necromancer spell the bloodlust it increase damage.. and building wisdom help increase bloodlust damage
- pvp-
try this spell set
it's strong guys
items are randomly drops but it was based on map (based on my experience) e.g hellhole drops more m.s than cavaliers on training ground what I mean even if it's randomly drop drops on each map are different..
it's a random drop.. but it mostly drop if you used hardcore..
recipe drops (based on my experience) recipe drops start on mobs that drops lvl50 gears like I got recipe of magic amulet on Minotaur kings
some player are bored. to avoid please participate on chat .. and talk to others player in positive way not in dramatic way
that's all thank you hope I can help
14-05-02 18:16

I. For Premium/diamond users.
1. hunt as much as you can. utilise your stam pots.
2. if you want to hunt for magic scrolls, runes, then go hunt such mobs which you can kill in single hit. a smart place to hunt them is to go for low mobs which give ingredients . for example- crusaders, elfs, imps, bowmans, archers, dwarfs, marksman, etc. this way you have maximum chance of finding ingredients as well as magic scrolls, runes, stam pots in the process!!!
3. try to stay in one map and hunt unless you have precise reason to do otherwise!
4. if you are credits buyer, use your magic scrolls to upgrade your gears or craft difficult ingreds.
5. if you earn your credits and cant buy, then sell half of your magic scrolls and ingredients you dont want, in order to refill your credit balance.
6. always keep a minimum of 25c as residual credit balance so that you have no problem to renew your premium at any time.
II. for non-premium members
1. Get premium as soon as possible!
2. how? - you can earn credits by selling random stuff like gems or gold, or ingreds, or by performing some service to other players like hunting ingreds for them, or by simply borrowing from someone if possible! ( always return what you borrow -_- )
3. until you get premium, hunt and collect as much gold as you can. the more , the better.
4. do not venture into castles if you have slow connections. thats a CRIME!
III. for all players.
1.DO NOT scam other players. you may get suspended .
2. DO NOT lose your temper in public chat.
3. DO NOT post your statistics in general chat!
4. DO NOT beg for gears/gold/credits in general chat!
treat all members respectfully!
good luck!
14-05-02 18:18

14-05-02 18:23

u can using ur skill point (stat) For 1. wisdom n 2.dexterity..
to fast level up Change ur Dificulty from: Newbies To Hardcore ( u'ill get big exp when u win from battle mobs).
best place to fast level up for all clases at level 1-70 is..
Lv: 1-20 all maps in low mobs...
Lv: 20-59 at estate ( vampire lord)...
Lv: 60-65 Hell of darkness level 2 ( dreath knight) ...
Lv: 65-70 at hidra's pound level 1 ( Hydra's).
Lv: 70+ at hidra's pound level 2 (chaos hidra's)
14-05-02 18:25