Strategy » Write Strategy Contest for Server #2 Entrance Key!
shadovv: Sure. Amazon is best classe
normal now. With high dex and very
much items improve dex, i think amazon
is fastest than all normal classe. Use
Haster spell, it will help u so much in all
battles. Best items for lv 25 to 50 :
weapon have shot bonus with amazon
title (ex amazon Matriarchal bow (V)),
(title) the centurion, (title) forest boots,
(title) war bonnet, Archi magis leader
ring and amulet for lv 50, if can crafter
them with rune tir, ull be stronger....
From lv 80 -99, u should use G.b
wizendraw, hell hydra Dragon plate, B.d
warlord tread, Hell baron Flechetteward,
L.O.T mask of slaugher, Gods The
warlord crest, The ultimatd dragon eye.
U will be champion with that gears
14-05-02 17:36
magnuss: for druid i suggest you use salamader or venomos wand @lvel 25, white wolf head use either gray leather amor or the centerion
14-05-02 18:05
magnuss: druid guide by magnuss

for druid classes i suggest you use the salamader or venomos ward @ lvel 25 , then use white wolf head because of the mana which will help with your spell , then for amor make use of centerion or gray leather amor.
14-05-02 18:12
woodstock78: Paladin guide by Woodstock78

Try to focus on wisdom and dexterity this will make most monsters easier and when your able buy a pet preferably a Stone Worm as they can really help take a monster down. The best combination of spells that have worked for me is Weakness\\Chain Lightning\\Chain Lightning. Weakness will reduce dexterity and Chain Lightning can deal a massive amount of damage helping you win the battle or kill the monster. Always carry a small supply of potions you never know what may happen. Try to do some exploratory hunting to earn some gold to either buy more potions or to revive your pet. Hope this helps Good Luck everyone. ;)
14-05-02 18:16
bosstsuna: me i was assasin so for assasin.weapon at lvl25 better with pieces but u can choose title item drop by monster if u want to have lesser scrolling..assasin spell there should be silents.quick blow..
14-05-02 18:18
rizalkiller2: I would like necro.,,First thing Str and Damage!.If you are a jewel user you should use a Damage jewel as it will benefit u more. Lvl tips~1-20 basic mobs 20-40 stone/iron golems 40-60 quests/ gold golem hardcore 60-70 quests 70-80 hydras 80+ quests/hydra hardcore!
14-05-02 18:22
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