14-05-02 22:41

14-05-02 21:44

Now it's about the new class.....it's assasin....how a assasin should be? STEALTHY......as we don't know anything about this class I am guessing the all.......so as assasin should be stealthy then use your first 20 points in dexterity......if u do this,your dexterity will be far more than other players of lvl.20.......they won't be able to hit you......if there any dexterity raising spell,use that also......then divide your stat points in strength and dexterity half half.......this will be a good start,I think......what do you think?.........thanks for reading....

14-05-02 19:04

14-05-02 18:48

Best gear for barbarian lv 25
1. Weapon: The jadetando with (2x Diamond/amethys gem).
2. Helm: War Bonnet ( 2x Shapire).
3. Amulet: Marksman Amulet ( 2x diamond/amethys ).
4. Shield: Ghotic/tower shield of Damage (V) ( 2x shapire).
5. Armor: Yhe Centurion ( 2x Shapire).
6. Two Ring: Marksman ring (2x diamond/amethyis).
7. Boots: Lava Boots (2x shapire).
Note: stay close at lv 25, and attack any players at your current level. hopely its help.
14-05-02 18:44

14-05-02 18:29