Barbarian - this character in my opinion is highly recommended if you are on a low credit budget. The best way to get around is to add pure dex and make sure the gears you gather/craft add to your dex and damage (strength at times instead of damage). At low lvl's (20 - 59) avoid all druids, and at other times, any other spell casters because your best bet at pvp's are fighting other barbarian's. At lvl 60+ you'll have at better advantage now that you can learn the frenzy spell so raise your wisdom with gears (keep the pure dexterity thing going). Since those dragons have alot of resistance to spells, the barbarian has the upper hand when it comes to fighting them, so prepare to win yourself a Diablo class

Necromancer - This character is similar to the barbarian and the paladin (physical and spell attacker) classes. If you can manage 50c then you'll get a great advantage when it comes to server 2, but there is also the downfall that many others will choose this class. Anyway, my advice for building this character is to add all of your stat points to wisdom and dexterity with damage, dexterity, and wisdom in your gears. If you can't manage hp gears then try to find items that can bring up your life leech (ex: skull lvl 1-5), although many necromancer gears have built in life leech along with the 1% that you gain every 10 lvl's. There will be alot of tough players out there so don't just swing at anybody that you see, focus on lvling up and pay no attention to anyone else (except clan members). Since necromancer's have the spell Vigor (raises dexterity and damage depending on your wisdom) it is best to keep your wisdom high to ensure that your damage and dexterity are also very high.
I hope this guide will help people in this upcoming Server 2, good luck

14-05-03 06:49

Amazon : Advantage of this class is have a ranged combat weapon and will give shot bonus per attack , their weakness is the damage of the weapon is too weak and first arrived in Gnoll's Village . I think that must be a life leech in few weapons of amazon .
14-05-03 07:45

gears give high strength which is enough to win every battle.
2.Though barbarians have less spells, yet, their BLOODLUST and FRENZY are amongst the best spells in BLACKDRAGON.
Items requiring high wisdom , becomes a very difficult to equip,because of lack of wisdom.4.Your biggest advantage is you dont have to be much worried about opponent's elemental protection.TIPS:1.Whenever you level up you'll gain 1 skill point.Use it in dexterity so that your character can have a very very high dexterityDexterity increses your hit chance(NOT critical hit),it also increses enemies' miss chance.Your enemy's dexterity is greater than you means there is greater chance of his hit and your miss.If you can't hit your opponent (whatever it is...monster battle or PvP),you'll lose the battle obviously.2.
Never ignore your wisdom,especially in greater levels......If your wisdom power is not better,your spells will be weak, and crushed by other class players in PvP battles.3.Level Guide:Level 25-50:Weapon--Barbarian King MaceArmor--CenturionHelmet--War BonnetBoots--Artic bootsSpell set:BLOODLUST[Monster Battle and PvP]Level 50+ :Best Boots--Silver BootsLevel 60-70

4.Enemy's 'weakness' spell weakens you and reduces your Strength,To resist your enemy,use 'cure' spell.N.B. : If you have greater resistance to water element,you can easily surpass these hindrances.5.
If your enemy uses elemental damage spells on you, use spells of that same element's protection.Legendary items can help you a lot in element protection.Some common things that every newbie should know:1.Try to be online everyday or everyhour(if possible).2.Never waste your time and data in chit-chatting,chat only when you need some serious information.3.Try to kill at least 1000 enemies per day or kill as much as you want,remember much kill means much experience,much experince means faster level up and level up means much advantages in game.4.Always equip better gear to defeat even harder enemies.5.Killing monsters will give you gold and sometimes they gives gear.So often check your 'Items' or 'Inventory'.Maybe there is something useful left unequipped.6.Gold is the currency system in this game.It can be collected by various easy methods,like.....killing monsters,selling equipments to blacksmith,selling equipments in Marketplace.You can also find gold in maps.But it needs 1 stamina to travel 1 square in maps.7.Another currency system is Credits system.This is the major currency used in the game.It is used to purchase various game bonuses and Premium features.All better gears (like Legendary items,Runes,Juwels etc) are available in marketplace cost Credits.You can buy credits by using Paypal or Paymentwall in the Credits menu.Go to Credits menu to learn it's more features.8.Marketplace is the place where the players puts their item which is to be sold in exchange of Credits or gold.You can buy not only gears but also pets and gold.Yes,you can buy gold here using your credits.N.B.From Level 1 to 39 you can only set bid price in your item which is to be sold and wait 24 hours untill the bid ends.But from level 40 you can set 'Buy It Now' price so the buyer can buy that item immedietly.Their is a maximum at-a-time selling limit of maximum 10 sell for each player.But it can be incresed by using the premium features

14-05-03 07:50

When Leveling Up Paladin Class We should Focus mainly on Dex and Wisdom.Dex coz to avoid attacks and hit accurately and wisdom to cast weakness with more power,Since Paladins dont have any Dmg raising Spells like frenzy Bloodlust and Vigor,Its essential we reduce the dmg dealt by foe to win battles.I recommend Weapons with Paladins Title coz it gives points to every stats as per it lvl like PaladinsI will give +1 to each Status and PaladinsII will +2 to to evrytnng status till lvl60.For other gear use War Bonnet,Arctic Boots,The Centurion and Crown Shield till lvl60.Try to get good title for them if u can.As for Rings I prefer Arch Magi or A.Magi Leader as per lvl coz they give both Dex and Wisdom and For amulet u can choose either Arch Magi or Pegasus amulets.Mainly Pegasus so that u keep ur Health high too.focus Mainly on Leveling and avoid pvp if u want to make it in TOP100.Try to lvl up in areas where mobs give good exp.
14-05-03 07:54

for a necromacer i would suggest using all your skill points for dexterity >>> wisdom. dexterity up to level 40 and from then on alternate between the 2. the items you should use for lvl 25-50 use war bonnet graven spine/imperial sword/the jadetando/razortine(after u reach lvl40 use black knightyew wand or necromancer yew wand v) for armor the centurion and for boot forest boots(until u reach lvl 40 change ur boots to artic boot its will gave u prot.from water because druid lvl 45 druid have frost ring(master),after u reach lvl 50 use wyvern monarch silver boot its better than artic boot. the best pvp spell set is bloodlust+vigor+vigor . :v
14-05-03 11:32