Strategy » A druid strategies by agusiswan
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agusiswan: Out of druid villages u will see centaur and pixie beat pixie and get pixie's hunter bow or pixie ring this is ingredient and go upper beat much troglodites and get her amulet/ring
if u want help go to breeder and adopt a pet or more to help u on your adventure
14-05-02 17:45
agusiswan: Druid on lv 20-49 will become gooder pvp. . First u must upper your dexterity and wisdom to hit other char. . .
Best set spell 1 weaknes next titan lightning then frost ring master
with this spell u can beat mobs with high rank or more
if your healt is low click change then transfer to your city and buy potion
14-05-02 18:05
bladsy: 1/1