now here we go
u have level 1 character 1st complite the task of newbie 1st equipe weapon 2nd buy armor dont go out in home town if u dont have hp pots..if u buy it go out in home town kill monster and use hp potion now u can see u have weapon and armor now..goto settings difficulty change it to advance and save map kill monster if u got new reach level dont add it to any stat points u want..wait until u dont have stamina u can level up to 4 with no added stat. If u dont have stamina add it to ur want..after that goto settings agn difficult change it to expert..doit agn the step u can reach lvl 7 with no putting stat point if u reach lvl 7 goto settings difficult and change it to hardcore and fight in monster u can reach lvl20 with 10stat point only u using so u have 10stat point left add it to ur want..u make waste 10mis only u get lvl20 with 10 stat points left.
I hope it well be help
14-05-02 18:06
Pahina: 1/1