level 25»hell plague/razortine/blood crescent,centurion/grey leather armor/blood leather armor,war bonnet,lava/forest/arctic boots
(this list will be completed later)
14-05-02 18:25

now,for the star class of this round,assassins.yes they have high attack with two weapons.but they'll have less armor due to their inability to equip a shield.if you have high dex and armor,I don't think they'll be much trouble.
and I'm winding up.I tried to give an overview on the paladin class and hope it helped

14-05-02 18:21

now,we must know about the other char.s too.druids have some good spells,but only 'weakness' as a spell that lowers attributes.their weapons focus mainly on wisdom,and rarely on strength(the salamander) or dex (venoms ward).barbarians have just one spell that raises their damage. (a well built barbarian is injurious to health).necro gear has 'life leach' that'll help them last longer against mobs but not much against other players.canyons have shot bonus (that is gonna hurt).
14-05-02 18:18

PETS are a real help.of course,they are a bit tough to bring up at first,but in the end,it would be worth it (paladin class pets are jaguar,gryphon-lvl20,panther-lvl40,stone worm-lvl60 and gryphonotiger-lvl80).when choosing your equipment,try to use something with high dex & wis.try not to fill both keepers from the start as you'll be in trouble if you're out of keeper space (original space is just 50.but you'll get 500 in the first week as you'll have premium.)
14-05-02 18:07