Strategy » for newbi barbarian
malik_thea2: for beginners barbarian
character, you have to do is to
add, increase, levels and
other ... 1. guys must complete
text of how to play to
completion .. 2.kalian should
read any good gear for your
level. 3. How to improve
strength, agility, endurance,
intelligence. . You for the first
time to balance everything up
to 10 all if you've been leveling
up, and most importantly you
need to add strength and
dexterity, it's what you should
look more closely. 4. Guys
should exchange your
equipment if it is not used
again or sell it on the market. 5.
Strong in groups atow create
your own group. 6. Asking for
help to the experienced master
to inquire or ask your gear ..
That's all I can tell .. Hope you
14-05-02 18:18
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