Strategy » DRUID - KEY TO TACKLE EVERYTHING - by belial
belial: DRUID- master of magic
Advantage -druids have spells of all elemental classes.
with their wide range of spells , druids can practically tackle any monster
Disadvantage - they lack high physical damage (non magic damage).

pvp is an integral part of s2. druids are best equipped to excel in early level pvp battles . especially upto lvl 59.
do - increase your wisdom as much as possible without ignoring dexterity .
higher the wisdom, more powerful will be your spells. for example - with a weakness spell powered at 50% effect, you can bring down mugh bigger and stronger monsters that otherwise may seem very difficult.
each of your cities provide NEW spells. make sure to learn them as soon as you enter the city.
NOTE: frost ring, frost ring (master), titans lightning bolt are powerful druid spells available in the lvl 45 city of Bracada ( Nortwest Barbarian land past the arch magis and genies )

vs monster - use the combo of weakness - (offensive spell)- ( offensive spell) in almost all monsters except monsters that have water protection (example - water messenger, in this case use 'haste' in place of weakness)
NOTE- use protection from water as your first spell against monsters like archi magi, war zealot, etc that castes water based spells on you.

vs other player. (PvP ) - always look at opponents elemental protection , before deciding your spell. for example - frost ring master ( water spell) is not much effective if your opponent is wearing a wyverns arctic boots (it has protection from water) .if you are fighting against a barbarian or (any class that is causing you high physical damage), you may use 'weakness' as your first spell.
lvl 60 and up - by this time you will already have a fair idea about how the various spells works. from this point ahead you must learn to use wisely the crucial spells like 'dispel' , 'cure', 'stoneskin' , 'haste' .

gears/items - throughout various levels, there are a wide variety of 'awesome' druid specific gears available. these gears are designed to give you a high wisdom boost, thereby making your spells even more powerful than ever. so make sure to attain them. (details about these items are in library section). for lvl 25 , white wolf head, the salamander/venoms wand are a MUST-HAVE. at level 40 however, a druid (V) titled weapon serves better until lvl 59.
Always remeber- WISDOM IS YOUR STRENGHT! ;)
godd luck.
thank you
14-05-02 17:44
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